A Better Way to Bring Your Desktop to Your iPad

September 14, 2012

Image by beatak
We got 2 iPads in the office?

A Better Way to Bring Your Desktop to Your iPad

Access is not some miracle adapter that runs Mac and PC programs on the iPad itself. Instead, it's a glorified porthole into the screen of a real Mac or PC back at your home or office. You see everything on your distant computer remotely; you can click …

iPad mini
Image by patrick-allen
Hacked my iPod touch name to the more logical "iPad mini" with blackra1n.com & MakeItMine

ShopPad Raises 0K To Instantly Turn Online Shops Into iPad-Friendly

ShopPad, an e-commerce platform that turns retailers' desktop websites into tablet-optimized experiences, is today announcing $ 500,000 in seed funding for its software-as-a-service technology now used by more than 10,000 online merchants. Angels in the …

iPad in Subway
Image by beatak
A random dude in Subway, he was playing with iPad whole time.

iPad 2G & 3G 對比特寫
Image by LJR.MIKE
是啦,左邊的是全新 iPad (3Gen, 2012)。
全新 iPad 較 iPad 2 厚些,平放在一起仔細看就能看出區別。傳聞是 Sharp 不爭氣導致的(相關報道:http://unwire.hk/2012/05/08/apple-settled-for-plan-b-with-new-ipad/apple/)

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