Roll your own business cards with this 3D

August 30, 2016

While we all know the best business cards are printed on bone paper with lettering in Silian Rail, the second best business cards are the ones you roll yourself right in front of your intended recipient. This
wild 3D printed card roller
lets you do just that.

Built by maker Paul Myers, the embosser rolls paper between two 3D-printed tubes to press a design onto the card. You can take a look at the
project here
and Myers is building and selling custom
embossers here

To make your own version of this you’d obviously have to have a bit of 3D modeling know how but I suspect a little time in TinkerCAD or SketchUp will let you make almost any sort of card. You’ll also need some bearings to help the tubes roll but Myers is using skateboard bearings. While it’s clear that nothing can beat reservations at Dorsia, this whole project comes in as a close second.

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