UTD study reveals tablet computers can enhance memory for seniors

July 4, 2014

UTD study reveals tablet computers can enhance memory for seniors

"The people who learned to use the iPad not only learned a whole bunch of new skills that they could take with them, but they actually showed improvement in memory function at the end of three months," said Denise Park, co-director of the Center for …

Memory of tragic Andres Escobar driving Colombia to glory at the World Cup

When the family of Andres Escobar arrive at the Estadio Castelao wearing Colombia's No 2 shirt on Friday afternoon, they will stir the emotions of the millions watching back home. Los Cafeteros are in a World Cup quarter-final for the first time and …

This Might Be The Easiest Way To Boost Concentration And Memory

In one study, University of Michigan students were given a brief memory test, then divided into two groups. One group took a walk around an arboretum, and the other half took a walk down a city street. When the participants returned and did the test …

Revunote Turns Your Android Into a Memory-Boosting Learning Tool

Android: We all have things we need to remember, from notes for a speech to lines for a play. Revunote transforms your Android phone or tablet into a valuable tool for learning information by repetition. The free app connects to one of our favorite …

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