What Does “NP” Mean for a DVI-Connected Computer Monitor?

December 8, 2016


When you get a shiny new monitor for your computer, you will likely take a quick peek at the settings, but sometimes you may see some references or terminology that does not make sense. With that in mind, today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answer to a curious reader’s question.

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

The Question

SuperUser reader Sam wants to know what the NP Reading for a DVI-connected computer monitor means:

I have a Samsung monitor connected to my computer via DVI. In the menu for the monitor, it shows “DVI 65.3kHz 60Hz NP 1680×1050”. I want to know what the “NP” means. What influences this? The video card hardware? Settings?

What does the NP Reading for a DVI-connected computer monitor mean?

The Answer

SuperUser contributor Journeyman Geek has the answer for us:

After falling down a pretty deep Internet rabbit hole, it seems that it is the polarity of the sync signals, in this case a VESA Signal 1680*1050 at 60 Hz timing. These seem unique to a specific set of refresh-rate/resolution/standards and are not of particular use to the end user. They are handy if you want to make a microcontroller (say in a toaster) output VGA I suppose, or had to set up some interface by hand.

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

Image Credit: Will Keightley (Flickr)

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