5 Tips to Get High-Converting Traffic with Banner Advertising

August 29, 2013


How can a simple banner advertising campaign bring more high-converting traffic to your website? With the low costs of banner advertising, you can boost your conversion rate and profit if you make right moves on this campaign. Creating a profitable banner advertising campaign help you will attract more high-converting traffic to your website.

Here are 5 tips to get high-converting traffic with banner advertising:

1. Create a unique banner for each website

If you are buying several banner ad spots in several websites, you have to create a unique banner for each website. Why? People usually hate banner advertisements. Therefore, in order to attract people’s attention with your banner, you need to blend your banner with the website design on which the banner is placed. Make your ad a part of the design. This way, you’ll make your banner more attractive instead of annoying.

2. Target your banner ad effectively

Driving targeted traffic is more important than just driving traffic to your website. Therefore, it is better for you to target your banner ad effectively. You don’t want to make your banner irrelevant for your target audience. If you’re advertising a weight loss product and you’re placing your banner in a website about golf; that would be irrelevant. So, you need to put your banner ad in the right place. If you want to promote a weight loss product, you should put your banner only in websites about weight loss. Don’t put your ad on any other type of site; it will be a waste of money.

3. Make it stand out

A big banner will attract more attention than small banner. So if you want to create big impact with your banner ad, you have to make it stand out wherever it is placed. Put it in the spotlight. Make people realize the existence of your banner. Make it big and give it an attractive design. Put a strong call to action in your banner. Don’t place it with other banners that can compete with it. Make your banner different from the rest.

4. Testing

You need to test your banners on several websites and see how the campaign goes; you don’t want to spend too much money for ineffective banner advertising. That’s why you need to start small, and do a lot of testing at the start. If you see a relevant website that can be a profitable host for your banner, you need to give it a try for a month at first. See if it will give you good return of your investment. If not, you can pull your banner off. Or, you can change your banner and test it for another month. If it’s still not converting, take a look at other websites that can give you better ROI. Keep testing until you find the best place to put your banner, as well as the best design for it.

5. Simplicity

Don’t make a flashy ad, people like simplicity more than complexity. Your banner should be simple enough to give an idea about your product or promotion. Always include the call an action that can entice your readers to buy. Using a simple phrase “click here” will attract more people’s interest to visit your website. This is a simple yet effective call to action for your banner.

Those are 5 tips to get high-converting traffic with banner advertising. You have to follow the tips above if you want to see real results from your campaigns. This is a cheap and effective method to attract more profitable traffic to your website.

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