How to Stop AutoPlay Videos in iOS 11’s App Store

June 3, 2017


The App Store in iOS 11 has been revamped completely to sport a new design that looks completely different than previous iterations of iOS. It comes with a couple of new tabs for Today, Games, and Apps, all of which are curated regularly to help users discover the trending and noteworthy apps.

Just like the old App Store, there are app previews within the description page of an app. These are short videos that are meant to provide an overview of an app or a game before you download it. App previews are also present in the Today, Apps, and Games tabs.

In iOS 11, the App Store automatically plays app previews wherever they appear. However, the sound is not played until you tap on the video. Although this is not a big issue, users who are connected to cellular data rather than Wi-Fi have to be extra careful as they’ll end up wasting their mobile data.

Fortunately, Apple provides a setting that allows users to stop the App Store from playing videos automatically. You can completely disable this behaviour or set videos to load automatically only when you’re connected to Wi-Fi. Here’s how you can find and configure this setting.

  • Note: App previews are played automatically in iOS 11 only. If your device is on iOS 10 or a prior version, then you don’t need to do anything as the App Store plays videos only when you tap on them.

How to Stop the App Store from Playing Videos Automatically

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your device.

Step 2: Go to iTunes & App Store.

Step 3: Tap on Auto-Play Videos.

Step 4: Here you’ll find a list of options that let you determine configure video autoplay. The options are as follows:

  • On: videos will be played automatically on both Wi-Fi and cellular data.
  • Wi-Fi Only: videos will be played only when your iPhone is connected to Wi-Fi.
  • Off: prevents the App Store from playing videos automatically.

Step 5: If you wish to completely disable AutoPlay videos in the App Store, then select the Off option.

That’s it. Now App Store will prevent videos from being played automatically. This will save you from wasting unnecessary mobile data bandwidth. With that said, videos can still be viewed except that this time you have to tap on them if you wish to watch them.

Apart from a redesigned App Store, iOS 11 is packed with tons of exciting new features. You’ll find a stylish looking Control Center, native screen recorder, peer-to-peer Apple Pay payments, and much more. Check out our list of the best features for iOS 11 to learn all of the new features that are coming in iOS 11.

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