Is Twitter considering ditching 140 characters in favour of a 10,000-character limit for tweets?

January 14, 2016

An overhaul of social media giant’s famous format could be on the way.


Twitter is reportedly looking to overhaul its public messaging format by expanding its character limit from 140 to 10,000.

The social media giant is in development on a massive overhaul that will be rolled out for users by the end of the first business quarter, reports Recode.

While the 10,000-character figure is not yet set in stone, Twitter’s development team is hard at work on ways for users to display longer statements in their timelines.

Sources close to the company suggest that timelines will still display 140 characters – with an option to click on each tweet for the full text display.

f a 10,000-character limit is decided on, it will match the figure used in Twitter’s Direct Messaging service.

Twitter has yet to offer any official comment on these latest reports.

Twitter has stuck to the 140-character limit for its public posts since its inception in 2006 – although restrictions on Direct Messages were lifted last August.

These latest rumours come amid Twitter’s announcement earlier in the week that it will be banning accounts sending out homophobic, racist or sexist language.

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