Some Important Strategies that will help you immensely in Reputation Management

August 29, 2013



Reputation Management is an essential remedy for all the negative publicity that your company, business and employees garner. People swear by the results offered by the search engines and if your business happens to have negative reviews lurking on the first few pages, chances are, your potential customers may go to your rival company, thus leaving you in a lurch. There are some strategies that can be used to ensure quick Reputation Repair to get your company back on its feet in no time.

1.)   Plan appropriately keeping even the media in mind:

If something of a greater magnitude has taken place, it is always advisable to keep in mind that the media will be on their toes to extract as much information from you as they possibly can. You must have a plan in place. You must instruct your employees on the kind of answers they should be ready to give. Try to be a part of the story and answer the calls of the reporters as and when they arise. Never answer with a ‘No Comment’. You need to be careful when treading in the direction of media. One wrong move can make matters worse. Always be upfront and speak about the topic rather than staying mum and giving people the impression that you are guilty even when you aren’t.


2.)   Respond to your customers, no matter what:

The last thing you need is to lose the confidence of your customers and clients. You do not want them to consider your company an irresponsible one with no interest in helping their clients. The best way to ensure that the customers do not get critical of your company is by answering their questions promptly and in a way that would be satisfying. If your company has several stakeholders, try to put yourself in their place and ask yourself the questions that they may possibly ask and be prepared with an honest answer. Sending E-mails is a great way to do this quickly. If you prefer a meeting, you can have a conversation on a personal basis as well. Along with the way you speak, the way you present yourself can leave a lasting impact on people as well. Be courteous at all times and no matter how stressed out you may be, never let it show.


3.)   Make sure the reports of investigation are accurate:

If an investigation takes place involving the federal agency, you must do everything in your capacity to ensure that they get only the correct information. Often, spiteful ex employees or other competitors may give out wrong information thus maligning your company. In such a situation, hire a private investigator who is worth his salt to look into the matters.


4.)   Try to understand the link between communications and legal strategies:

You may not realize it, but this strategy is extremely crucial and should never be ignored or overlooked. Communication is the key to keeping your name and the name of your company clean. Try to be clear and concise about what you have to say. Ambiguous statements lead to suspicion and this can harm your legal standing as well.


5.)   Never defend yourself or your company:

It is natural human tendency to get defensive when someone points a finger at you. However, as much as possible, try to be calm and composed. When it comes down to legal matters, it may get increasingly difficult to not get defensive. Using affirmative statements and a more positive outlook will be helpful instead of unnecessarily giving statements that simply justify yourself. Incessantly negative and defensive comments will do you more than good and is not recommended when it comes to Reputation Repair.

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