And a final bonus Caturday: Graham’s MacBook Air

January 31, 2015


Every once in a while there is a Caturday submission that has such a cute cat and great back story that it just calls out for more than one photo. This kitten is Graham, and owner Rob Waag tells the story:

Graham is a seven month old kitten that was rescued by my wife. He had been hit by a car and fractured his pelvis and his rear leg. This picture was taken while he was recovering from surgery. Technically, he had bilateral femoral head ostectomies which only slowed him down for about one week. He took a liking to my wife’s MacBook Air. He is one of those cats that is alway the center of your attention. The desktop picture is of my son having a libation shortly after leaving the USMC. The picture’s significance is that Graham’s fur pattern on his head makes him look like he has a Marine haircut. He has recovered very well. You would not know how severely he was injured. He has found a permanent home with us and has become the love of my daughter’s life.

In this next photo, Graham appears to be using his feline intelligence to figure out how to pop up the screen on the MacBook Air:


And in the last picture below, you can see where Graham’s flanks were trimmed for his surgery. He seems to be one very happy fellow, and who can blame him when he has a great family to live with and a warm MacBook Air to lay on?


Many thanks to Rob Waag and Graham!

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