Apple Watch 2 to Debut at WWDC 40% Thinner

August 30, 2016


Apple plans to release a new version of its smart watch Apple Watch more early than we thought, if we can believe to Apple analyst Brian White.

According to the famous expert Brian White of of Wall Street firm Drexel Hamilton the second version of the gadget will appear in July this year. The conclusion he puts in a report to investors and based on their conversations with Apple’s suppliers in China.

We believe Apple Watch 2 could be 20-40%
thinner than the current Apple Watch.

“Our meeting with a tech supply chain company highlighted a rough end to 2015 with significant forecast reductions from Apple; however, forecasts have been stable since then with 2Q:16 expected to be the trough. After a YoY sales decline in 1Q:16, our contact expects to return to growth in H2:2016. Production of parts of the iPhone 7 are expected to begin in July.” said White.

WWDC 2016 is the annual conference organized for Apple developers and will be held in June.

Another thing that the analyst expects is a change in the design of the new version of the smartwatch.

“Finally, we walked away with the sense that the Apple Watch refresh will not occur in September with the iPhone 7, but is more likely to occur within the next 2-3 months, and thus we believe an unveiling at WWDC in June makes sense. We believe Apple Watch 2 could be 20-40% thinner than the current Apple Watch.”

Brian White is a longtime Apple analyst that currently serves as Global Head of Technology Hardware & Software at institutional brokerage firm Drexel Hamilton.

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