CES 2015: TempTraq Wearable Bluetooth Thermometer

December 28, 2014

While this new product just announced at CES 2015 is not yet approved by the FDA, it’s something that a lot of parents will be clamoring for. TempTraq is a wearable soft patch Bluetooth thermometer that works with an iOS or Android app to let parents track body temperature accurately for up to 24 hours.

Have a couple of sick kiddos? The app lets you track their temperature remotely, providing a color-coded indication of the severity of the fever. You can even get an alert if the child’s temperature reaches a certain level.

As you’d expect, you can use the app to send a temperature chart to your doctor, and there’s a way to make notes as you check the temperature to add information such as when drugs are administered.

No pricing is yet available for the patches, but if you’re interested you can sign up on the TempTraq website for notification when the device makes it to market.

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