Facebook Rolls Out New Like Button With New Look

August 30, 2016


Facebook changed its blue icon that is in the millions of pages on the Web. Now the button “Like” got a new look. The company introduced the new design version of the icon with the following words: “Our hypothesis was that more people would recognize the thumbs-up icon on the like button, so we conducted qualitative and quantitative tests to measure them side by side,” the company said in a blog post. “The results revealed a 6 percent increase in likes, so we are switching the like button from the Facebook ‘f’ logo to the thumbs-up icon.”


The move is part of a broader redesign of the buttons in the social network, making them flatter and sharper. Previously, buttons liking and sharing contained logo, but now they have their own icons. There is also a new icon for Share, Follow and Save to Facebook.


Facebook will implement the changes gradually in the next two weeks.

“Sharing and saving great content are two things that people love to do when browsing the web. Improving this experience for people drives greater engagement and distribution of content for sites and keeps visitors coming back for more.

Now we’re making it easier for people to both Share and Save with our new Chrome extensions, Share to Facebook and Save to Facebook.

We want to help people connect with each other through sharing the things that matter to them. Share to Facebook will give people more options to share any link on the web with their friends to Facebook, Groups, and Messenger.” – Source Facebook

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