HTC can Separate its VR Business after Poor Performance of HTC 10

August 30, 2016


If current results are any indication, the new HTC 10 could follow the unhappy fate of HTC One M7. Both phones were well received by journalists and even by most users, but failed to convert it into enough sales.

Of course, it is still early to draw definitive conclusions about this, but pre-orders from China show an unenviable picture – since they were launched on April 25, the interest is very low, which definitely does not show anything good for HTC.

And if HTC 10 will not be the savior that the Taiwanese company expected, it could resort to another cardinal decision, namely to separate its VR business that at least so far look promising.

Sales of HTC Vive are good and give confidence to the company that if she realized gains from virtual reality, it should devote its its VR products from the unprofitable smartphone business.

According to the rumors, except HTC Vive, the newly formed company will include computer software and computer equipment associated with virtual reality technologies.

When this rumor became public, the market react rapidly and HTC shares fell 10%, which in turn shows the concern of investors that such a move could disrupt the balance in the very young VR market.

Currently Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are the two main players and if one of them experience big change, it could have significant consequences for the delicate position in the market.

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