Huawei CEO: We'll Stick to Android as Long as it's Open

August 30, 2016


Last week, on the Internet appeared quite interesting rumors claiming that, like Samsung, Huawei is also have a Plan B to reduce its dependence on Android.

This plan seems to be in response to the willingness of Google to exercise greater control over its mobile operating system and obviously from Huawei did not like that.

But now the executive director of the Chinese manufacturer issued a formal opinion on the matter and at least at first glance it is that the company will be jointly and severally with Android, as long as the open nature of the system is maintained.

Although this statement suggests that Huawei actually foresee development where Google will strengthen control over Android, and leave the door open to take appropriate measures.

Of course, at this stage, such a statement can not be taken as confirmation that Huawei intends to use its own operating system, but apparently at least hypothetically there is a likelihood.

Recall that in addition to any new OS, which some have already hastened to name Kirin OS, the company develops and its interface EMUI, which stands on the traditional Android.

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