Microsoft Releases Outlook Web Apps for Apple Devices

December 21, 2011

Microsoft Office Web Apps
Image by Long Zheng

Microsoft Office Web Apps
Image by Long Zheng

Microsoft Releases Outlook Web Apps for Apple Devices

Microsoft Office Web Apps
Outlook Web Apps also work with Microsoft's "apps for Outlook," which are helper applications, such as mapping, social networking and meeting organizer programs that work with the e-mail client. A list of those apps can be found in the Office Store here.

Microsoft Office Web Apps
Image by Long Zheng

Microsoft takes Outlook Web App native on iPhone, iPad

Microsoft Office Web Apps
Computerworld – Microsoft today launched Outlook Web App (OWA) for iOS, a "native" app that reprises — and amplifies — the in-browser OWA corporate workers have long used on devices that don't support the full-fledged Outlook client. The new app …

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Microsoft Office Web Apps
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