New Video Shows iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 6 SE

August 30, 2016


iPhone 7 this name we will hear more and more this month, until Apple present its new generation iPhone in early September. Today the news about iPhone 7 is associated with new leaked video in which we see the alleged iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Pro and (perhaps) iPhone 6 SE into gray, gold and pink.

These images come from the Japanese site Pplepop. In the video we see that the back of the iPhone 7 Plus, or iPhone Pro missing the three points we’ve seen in previous leaks and referring to this design element of the iPad Pro, which serves as a natural pairing with an external keyboard.

Other design features which we have already seen are – the lack of 3,5mm audio jack, the additional speaker, the changed position of the antennas on the back and the differences in the cameras in the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.

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