Predicting Personality Traits from Content Using IBM Watson

July 26, 2017

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Would you like to know what your customers want before they do?

Of course. Every business wants to be able to anticipate the needs of their customers.

And that starts by understanding customers in a deep and meaningful way.

Unfortunately, that is getting harder and harder in our digital world…

  • Consumers are increasingly less trusting and loyal
  • Consumers have more power — thanks to social media, online shopping comparisons, and a ever-growing list of choices
  • With all the noise out there, it has become increasingly difficult to get an accurate view of your customers
  • Consumer mindsets are shifting from product ownership to experience due to economic uncertainty and information overload

All of this certainly highlights the need to create a more compelling customer experience to stay relevant.

”Customer experience is the new competitive battlefield.”
~ Gartner

But to stay close to this new digital consumer, you really need to get a view into their mind.

Fortunately, artificial intelligence is stepping up to the challenge. Giving you the ability to turn all those digital transformations into digital advantage.

We can use an A.I. platform to instantly analyze and predict the values, needs and behaviors of your customers. A platform which can provide a wide range of uses — from precision marketing to product recommendations to ultra-personalized emails.

So let’s build one!


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