Samsung starts mass production of the world's first 10nm

August 30, 2016


The dynamic RAM, of Samsung, or DRAM, definitely come a long way. In 2010 the company was producing DDR3 chips on 40-nanometer technology, and in 2014 it jumped to a new 20-nanometer process DDR3 DRAM.

Now, two years later, Korean OEM manufacturer announced the start of mass production of the world’s first DDR4 DRAM memory, which uses the latest manufacturing process on 10-nanometer technology, providing faster and more efficient memory drive for the next generation of computers.

10-nanometer process promises faster speeds data transfer with less energy consumption. More specifically, 10 Nm DDR4 chip will offer speed data transmission of 3200 Mbps, 30 percent faster than 2400 Mbps at 20 Nm DDR4.

“Samsung’s 10nm-class DRAM will enable the highest level of investment efficiency in IT systems, thereby becoming a new growth engine for the global memory industry,”

Meanwhile, the new chip will consume 10 to 20 percent less energy than equivalent set up to 20 Nm process. Samsung understandably is proud of his patented technology. 10 Nm for DRAM is something new and very difficult to achieve compared to NAND flash memory, which is used in SSD drives and memory cards.

While NAND uses only one transistor per cell, DRAM must hold one transistor and one capacitor in the same space as the condenser is usually on top. Multiply that by eight million cells in this particular chip and have a large production puzzle, that has to resolve.

The new 10 Nm DDR4 Samsung’s chip has a capacity of 8 gigabits (Gb), not gigabytes (GB). This means that a chip can hold 1 GB of memory. These chips are usually combined in DD4 modules with 4 GB or 128 GB for personal computers and servers.

Samsung will definitely not stop there. Using lessons learned from its DRAM chips, the company will continue to produce 10 Nm mobile DRAM equivalents for smartphones. This will lead to a new set of puzzles, taking into account the major limitation in the slot, and power, which requires the mobile memory.

Maybe the next Samsung Galaxy Note (2017) will come exactly with the new generation of mobile DRAM memory.

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