Siri Creators Working on Powerful new Personal Assistant Viv

August 30, 2016


Personal voice assistant Siri lives in the Apple’s mobile operating system from 2011, but some of you may not know that this is not Apple product it was developed by the company SRI International, which sold the technology to Apple.

Now SRI International is ready to present successor to Siri, called Viv. He (or she) will be a significant step in the field of artificial intelligence. One area where Viv excels Siri is to be able to make long conversations.

It is not known whether Apple has interest in acquiring the rights over Viv, but it would not be a surprise. This week, venture capitalist Fred Wilson, founder and managing partner of Union Square Ventures, claims that Apple should focus on upgrading its artificial intelligence.

Meanwhile, it was reported that Google and Facebook already have made proposals for Viv, but there is no details about it. Viv has to be shown publicly for the first time on Monday, May 9.

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