Star Wars’ BB-8 has an evil twin and he’s not the droid you want to be looking for in a dark alley

September 17, 2017

BB-8 was the breakout character from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, so it’s not surprising that The First Order would want to come across as really hip and cool with a round ball-shaped droid of their own in The Last Jedi.

And that’s exactly what they’ve done with BB-9E. The E stands for evil, of course. (We assume.)

BB-9E looks quite similar to his Resistance counterpart, except for the sleek black colour scheme and his eye, which doesn’t pop up like BB-8’s, but resembles the bit on the Death Star where the super laser comes out.

Will he have a mini laser in the movie? It’d be more useful than a cigarette lighter, that’s for sure (sorry, BB-8. Still love you though).

Obviously, Poe Dameron’s robo-buddy was the in-demand toy of 2015, so you’ll be glad to know that you’ll be able to get your hands on an app-controlled BB-9E from Sphero from midnight tonight local time worldwide.

Within hours (if that) of BB-9E’s announcement, someone came up with the most perfect (and completely accurate) meme that we wished we had come up with ourselves:

BB-9E will retail for £149.99 and will be available to purchase from at, Amazon, Apple, John Lewis and Disney Retail Stores.

Earlier today, we got our first look at Supreme Leader Snoke in the flesh (or, the plastic) thanks to the Funko Pop! figurine.

We also recently got to see The First Order’s new walkers and battleships, so all in all, it’s been a pretty good time for nerding out over Star Wars – but then again, when isn’t it?

Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be released on December 14 in the UK and December 15 in the US.

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