Tips for Link Management for Webmasters

November 27, 2014


Keeping your website ranking on top is the main aim of every website owner. It ensures that traffic is driven to your site and you get higher click through rates. If however, you notice a sudden drop in your rankings or you find a message from Google regarding an unnatural link then you should be aware that your website is not compliant with Google’s updates. You could be hit by a bad link penalty which is the worst case scenario for any website owner. This requires urgent attention from bad link removal services.

On the positive side, there are many reputed link removal services available at your disposal. Make sure you approach a trusted company as this is work for only the experts. Try and get in touch with a company that offers full services that will ensure a full recovery of your site from the Google penalties. Check to see if they have services such as Backlink Data Extraction, Link Profile Analysis, preparation of Disavow Files, Link Removal processing, Google Re-Inclusion and even Legal Proceedings. While some may suggest removing the links automatically, there is always a chance that a bad link may slip through the process and continue to cause a problem. Even the highly acclaimed Disavow approach is not a guaranteed success. Your best bet is to remove the bad links through a long and tedious manual process.


The manual process requires you to get in touch with webmasters to get the bad links taken off. While it may be simple to hire a company to take off the bad links manually, it is important to fully understand the process. The initial process is the back link analysis which requires tools such as Majestic SEO, Google Webmaster, Remove’em, Link Detox and many other such tools. Only once this is done can the link removal expert starts contacting webmasters using social media, emails and all other means available to request the removal of a link. Convincing a webmaster to remove a link is no easy task and it will require constant follow-ups considering the fact that they are always busy. You might also need to provide them with an incentive for removing the link.

Another method to remove bad links is to create a Disavow file. Here you can send a re-consideration to Google to remove the penalty. Once you manage to get rid of the bad links, you must make sure your website is protected from algorithmic updates in the future. A link audit and a bad link removal process is your best security.

Google has a strict code of conduct for websites and it is best to adhere to the rules of the game. They don’t have much tolerance for sites that use un-called for techniques to get to the top. Don’t wait until you get hit with a penalty to conduct a backlink audit. It is best to be prepared and secure. Free your site from bad links today! – See more at:

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