Uber hires former Facebook exec and Firefox founder Blake Ross

September 4, 2017

Uber has hired Firefox co-founder Blake Ross to work with them on product strategy.

Ross will be working with the ridesharing company part-time from Los Angeles. He announced it on Facebook, where he once worked as director of product.

“I’m joining Uber to help develop product strategy, rally the troops, and improve my passenger rating,” quipped Ross.

The news comes just two days after the company announced its new CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi. The role had been vacant since June, when Travis Kalanick was pressured to resign.

From a “#DeleteUber” social media campaign in January to allegations of a sexist company culture to a patent lawsuit with Waymo, it’s been a difficult year for the global ridesharing company. Yet its financials show Uber has still continued to grow.

We can expect Uber to make more key hires in the coming months as it tries to improve its image and gear up toward its eventual IPO.

As for Ross, it looks like he’ll have more inspiration for his Silicon Valley-themed spoofs.

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