Windows 7 Has Finally Fallen Below 50% Market Share

August 30, 2016


Windows 7 is still the most popular version of the operating system, but its dominance is not as it was. Nine months after the release of Windows 10, the share of Windows 7 finally fell below 50%, while the presence of the veteran Windows XP now is calculated with a single digit number.

This is undoubtedly good news for Microsoft, as the company aggressively trying to impose the new Windows 10 on as many as possible platforms. According to Net Applications, the current version of the platform is now installed on 270 million computers in April and has 14.35% market share.

Despite these trends, quite possibly it is Windows 7 to keep the title of “most popular operating system” for a long time after took it from Windows XP in September 2012.
However, the new data has also a negative message and it is in the form of the fact that for the first time the share of the various versions of Windows has fallen below 90%. However, Mac OS X already has 9.20%, while the share of Linux also fell to 1.56%.

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