Windows confirms Desktop days are over in new release

August 30, 2013


Say bye bye to the Windows user interface you are used to by now. In latest tech news for today, Windows has confirmed that it will not be making any new UI’s that are desktop. Instead they will be carrying on with the interactive interface that was seen in Windows8. We shall sorely miss the Desktop, but hey innovation is great, especially from Microsoft.

Users all over the world have praised the newWindows 8 interface:

however the new interface hasn’t seen the skyrocketing sales that were experienced with Windows XP. In a latest move to introduce the new look that Microsoft is touting out, the latest version code named ‘Blue’ will feature the new interface, and there will be no desktop interfaces that were the hall mark of Windows. The interface “Modern” as it is called, will be built into all new releases of the operating system.

This move will come as a disappointment to those who were urging for a more Windows 7 type operating system, as that what we have had since the beginning and are comfortable with. But Microsoft is determined to introduce great changes that might or might not turn out for their own good. The Blue operating system is still in the works and is expected to be released at the end of this year or the start of the next. That is all in latest tech news for today about Windows

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